

1513 Uppsatser om Processing times - Sida 1 av 101

Svensk asylpolitik : En studie kring styrning och långa handläggningstider på Migrationsverket

The Swedish Migration Board has during a long time had problems with long Processing times for persons that apply for asylum. The government has set targets that investigation should not exceed 6 months although it is done in almost 70% of cases.The study's aim has been to examine if steering can be linked together to long Processing times and, if so, explain why. The intention has not been to provide a comprehensive picture of the problem but has defined itself to ensure steering impact. The study has been carried out by studying relevant governing documents, previous research and by interviews with administrators and decision-makers in two of the Migration Board asylum units.The analyses of the study show that a combination of inadequate steering and inadequate resources have contributed to aggravate the implementation, which has lead to long Processing times..

Utvärdering av tillverkningsmetoder för svarvbommar

On today?s competitive market, it is difficult to achieve profitability trough high prices on manufactured products. Profitability must be obtained through low manufacturing costs, high quality and short lead times. One of the companies on the market is Sandvik Coromant, manufacturer of tools and chips for metal cutting. This master thesis investigates the methods of manufacturing for boring bars at the manufacturing unit GVH4 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo, Sweden.

GPGPU : Bildbehandling på grafikkort

GPGPU is a collective term for research involving general computation on graphics cards. A modern graphics card typically provides more than ten times the computational power of an ordinary PC processor. This is a result of the high demands for speed and image quality in computer games.This thesis investigates the possibility of exploiting this computational power for image processing purposes. Three well known methods where implemented on a graphics card: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi point tracking) and the generation of scale pyramids. All algorithms where successfully implemented and they are tree to ten times faster than correspondning optimized CPU implementation..

Förhållandet mellan barns populära status, individuella bearbetningsstil och arbetsminneskapacitet

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived popularity, social information processing and working memory. With the intentions of examining popularity 209 (98 female, 111 male) children in second and fourth grade were presented with a roster of their classmates and were to nominate whom they liked and whom they disliked. To study working memory capacity a working memory test, that places demands on the participant to work both with and store the given information, was used. To examine children's cognitive processing of empathy-provoking information a cognitive appraisal interview was conducted. The results imply (a) that working memory increases with age, (b) that there is a weak relation between working memory capacity and popularity, and between popularity and cognitive processing styles and (c) that there are some strong correlations between working memory and cognitive processing styles..

Den interna informationshanteringen inom äldre- och handikappomsorgen i kommundelen Viskafors

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the internal information processing and management is carried out within a unit of Viskafors municipality. Furthermore, to explore and make recommendations of how the organisation can improve its internal information management. To get a full picture I have interviewed people at different levels of the organisation. The main findings showed that there was a dysfunction in the internal information processing and management. For example the study showed that the internal information did not reach out to the different parts of the organisation due to insufficient information processing.

Digitizing the Parthenon using 3D Scanning : Managing Huge Datasets

Digitizing objects and environments from real world has become an important part of creating realistic computer graphics. Through the use of structured lighting and laser time-of-flight measurements the capturing of geometric models is now a common process. The result are visualizations where viewers gain new possibilities for both visual and intellectual experiences. This thesis presents the reconstruction of the Parthenon temple and its environment in Athens, Greece by using a 3D laser-scanning technique. In order to reconstruct a realistic model using 3D scanning techniques there are various phases in which the acquired datasets have to be processed.

Den gode & den onde : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters och New York Times rapportering av konflikten i Libyen 2011

This essay examines how the conflict in Libya in 2011 was reported by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the American newspaper The New York Times. The purpose is to examine how the conflict is portrayed and what similarities and differences that exist between the two newspapers. We have used a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis to get our results. In conclusion, both newspapers polarize the conflict to a large extent, resulting in a one-sided and biased account. However The New York Times is more objective and neutral in its portrayal of the conflict..

"What's new from North Korea?" : Hur rapporterar media om den senaste utvecklingen i Koreakonflikten

This paper aims to find out how media in different countries in the same part of a continent portray the latest development in the Korean conflict. To achieve this, the articles published by two newspapers, The Japan Times and The Korea Times, in the last five months have been analysed. The theory used to analyse the published articles is the agenda setting theory. This paper has found that geography, in the sense of proximity to the conflict, do affect what stories the newspapers publish and how they portray the story..

Stamgästens syn på hotellupplevelsen ur ett gästnöjdhetsperspektiv

Consumer Information Processing (CIP) handlar om hur vi som konsumenter tar till ossoch påverkas av den information som ständigt omger oss vid en beslutssituation. Ämnethar länge varit i fokus för forskning inom marknadsföring då detta naturligtvisintresserar företagen i hög grad. Tidigare forskning hävdar att när vi som konsumentertar till oss av de intryck som omger oss, bearbetas dessa intryck tillsammans med dekunskaper vi har sedan tidigare (bottom-up processing och top-down processing).Studier har visat att information som tilldelas oss kan ha direkt påverkan på våra sinnenoch hur vi upplever en produkt.Denna studie undersökte hur olika typer av tilläggsinformation påverkade konsumentersupplevda smak av vin. Tolv testpersoner studerades i ett experiment bestående av tresteg där olika betyg presenterades på de viner testpersonerna bedömde. Resultatet avstudien visade att kvinnor i högre grad påverkas av negativ tilläggsinformation medanmän i högre grad påverkas av positiv tilläggsinformation..

Realistisk restidsberäkning för comodal reseplanering

With increasing traffic congestion problems in bigger cities, it is becoming more and more important to provide the traveller with correct information about all transport alternatives. When doing that, the traveller gets the opportunity to make the best decision based on the current traffic situation. Instead of traditional travel planners, where public and private transport modes are presented separately, the co-modal travel planner offers a combination. In order to make the comparison correct and fair, the travel times have to be estimated realistically and on equal basis. This master thesis focuses on how to estimate travel times in the city of Stockholm for journeys by cars, public transport, bicycles and also for walking.An investigation of the available data on maps and travel times shows where the currently used methods are lacking.

Värdskapets betydelse : En vinstdrivande faktor i hospitalitybranschen?

Consumer Information Processing (CIP) handlar om hur vi som konsumenter tar till ossoch påverkas av den information som ständigt omger oss vid en beslutssituation. Ämnethar länge varit i fokus för forskning inom marknadsföring då detta naturligtvisintresserar företagen i hög grad. Tidigare forskning hävdar att när vi som konsumentertar till oss av de intryck som omger oss, bearbetas dessa intryck tillsammans med dekunskaper vi har sedan tidigare (bottom-up processing och top-down processing).Studier har visat att information som tilldelas oss kan ha direkt påverkan på våra sinnenoch hur vi upplever en produkt.Denna studie undersökte hur olika typer av tilläggsinformation påverkade konsumentersupplevda smak av vin. Tolv testpersoner studerades i ett experiment bestående av tresteg där olika betyg presenterades på de viner testpersonerna bedömde. Resultatet avstudien visade att kvinnor i högre grad påverkas av negativ tilläggsinformation medanmän i högre grad påverkas av positiv tilläggsinformation..

Hotellrecensioner : Betydelsen av respons på gästenkäter och sociala medier

Consumer Information Processing (CIP) handlar om hur vi som konsumenter tar till ossoch påverkas av den information som ständigt omger oss vid en beslutssituation. Ämnethar länge varit i fokus för forskning inom marknadsföring då detta naturligtvisintresserar företagen i hög grad. Tidigare forskning hävdar att när vi som konsumentertar till oss av de intryck som omger oss, bearbetas dessa intryck tillsammans med dekunskaper vi har sedan tidigare (bottom-up processing och top-down processing).Studier har visat att information som tilldelas oss kan ha direkt påverkan på våra sinnenoch hur vi upplever en produkt.Denna studie undersökte hur olika typer av tilläggsinformation påverkade konsumentersupplevda smak av vin. Tolv testpersoner studerades i ett experiment bestående av tresteg där olika betyg presenterades på de viner testpersonerna bedömde. Resultatet avstudien visade att kvinnor i högre grad påverkas av negativ tilläggsinformation medanmän i högre grad påverkas av positiv tilläggsinformation..

En berättande historia : Storytelling för ett hotell och gästers uppfattning

Consumer Information Processing (CIP) handlar om hur vi som konsumenter tar till ossoch påverkas av den information som ständigt omger oss vid en beslutssituation. Ämnethar länge varit i fokus för forskning inom marknadsföring då detta naturligtvisintresserar företagen i hög grad. Tidigare forskning hävdar att när vi som konsumentertar till oss av de intryck som omger oss, bearbetas dessa intryck tillsammans med dekunskaper vi har sedan tidigare (bottom-up processing och top-down processing).Studier har visat att information som tilldelas oss kan ha direkt påverkan på våra sinnenoch hur vi upplever en produkt.Denna studie undersökte hur olika typer av tilläggsinformation påverkade konsumentersupplevda smak av vin. Tolv testpersoner studerades i ett experiment bestående av tresteg där olika betyg presenterades på de viner testpersonerna bedömde. Resultatet avstudien visade att kvinnor i högre grad påverkas av negativ tilläggsinformation medanmän i högre grad påverkas av positiv tilläggsinformation..

Mjölkningsfrekvensens påverkan på mjölkproteinets sammansättning och kvalitet :

In modern dairy production the milking frequency is increased in some herds due to introducing of automatic milking systems or the farmers decision to milk high producing dairy cows more than two times a day. With more frequent milkings the milk yield increases while the content of fat and protein decreases. However, how the composition of protein is influenced is not fully evaluated. The purpose of this study was therefore to see if a higher milking frequency had any impact on the milk production and especially on the protein composition. This study was conducted as a half udder experiment.

In times of trouble

- En granskning av terapeutbranschen..

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